Take Control of Your Health

Sauna & Niacin Detox

Start over with a clean slate!

This detoxification protocol has been used to help detox gulf war veterans, first responders, oil spill cleanup workers, and thousands of people who are exposed to toxins in the work place or every day toxins.

The niacin/sauna detox program includes 2-3 weeks (sometimes a little longer) of daily supervision, use of a sauna, and specific doses of vitamins/minerals that assist our body in the detoxification. This program has been proven to remove years of stored toxins from your body.

Signs that your body may be overwhelmed with fat-stored toxins:

Brain fog or forgetfulness

Inability to lose weight

Joint pain

Headaches or migraines


Lack of energy

Feeling down


Mold exposure

Rashes or break-outs on your skin

Chronic pain

Constipation or diarrhea

Irritability or mood swings

Stuffed up sinuses

Food cravings

Puffy eyes/dark circles

Reported benefits:

Improved Overall Health

Reduced aches and pains

Mental Clarity

Increased IQ

Better Sleep

Increased Weight Loss

More Energy

Better Skin

Less Body Odor


“I just finished the Sauna Detox Program. I have had amazing transformations both physically and even more so mentally.” - KS