Shannon Wallace

Hi Good People! I am Shannon, your Sauna Detox Coach. I have completed 2 rounds of the niacin + sauna detox and used a coach both times. It was so beneficial for me that I went through training to help other people with this valuable modality to get rid of stored toxins and get their life force back.

A little bit of history… 

I did not have a healthy life and by the time I was 37 (in 1999, you can do the math) I was on 5 long time pharmaceuticals and my doctor wanted to remove part of my colon saying it might help with chronic constipation. I was not keen on surgery and was blessed with a referral to colon hydrotherapy which I had not even a clue of what it was. You want to put a tube where?! This was prior to the internet being what it is now and there wasn’t any real information on it. I took a big leap from Western Medicine into the alternative space.

In 2007 my colon therapist decided to leave town, meanwhile colonics had helped me so much that I got trained and opened my own business which included infrared saunas.

I dove into health and healing. I stopped taking sleeping pills, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, Adderall, and long-term antibiotics. I stopped drinking diet soda, eating fast food, and started studying nutrition and detox. I became a health coach, detox specialist, life coach and hypnotherapist.

During this time I went through extreme personal stress which sent me into menopause and reactivated chronic fatigue — I now don’t think I was ever depressed, I was fatigued! I tried so many different things to crawl my way out — different ways of eating (raw vegan, juicing, vegetarian, high protein, keto, paleo), supplements, every detox under the sun, and more. And in spite of all this also gained 20 stubborn pounds of what I called toxic fat. I had a sauna practice and knew that it was part of the healing. I used to tell my clients that if they were going to purchase something for their health to have at home, make it an infrared sauna.

Even after I learned about the niacin/sauna detox, it took me a few years to try it. My best advice is don’t wait like I did! It was the pain in my feet every morning that got me to do it. I had other aches and pains but not being able to bend at the ankles really did it for me. I have a very healthy lifestyle and all the detoxing I had done did not prevent this from happening, so I did what I do and tried something new. I got a coach, the supplements, the sauna, and I dove into the niacin + sauna detox. My joint pain has never returned, my mind is clearer, I have my life-force back, and I lost 20 lbs after the detox; which at 5’ tall made a lot of difference.

Going forward, the niacin/sauna detox will be a part of my healthcare. My goal is to age with health and energy, and most definitely to stay away from “big harma” and to help others take control of their health too. I want you to feel good! What kind of world could we create if we were healthy and happy?